Friday, May 18, 2007

A serious note

I would like to make a heartfelt appeal to American Voters. I implore you, if your favorite candidate is a member of a legislative body and said candidate has skipped votes on the wars (Iraq, Afghanistan and Terror) to free up campaigning time, please reconsider your support.

If your candidate doesn't care enough, about you, to vote on, arguably, the most important issue of our time; I suggest that you care enough, about you, to deny said candidate your vote. We the People must send a clear message to our leaders that: anything less than 100% commitment, to Us, is death to a political career.

NOTE: Serious illness, or family tragedies, are considered legitimate excuses. Pressing flesh at a banquet, photo ops at schools, and similar acts of greed and self-aggrandizement, should NOT excuse these people from their DUTY.

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