Friday, May 18, 2007

Weight loss. For a price.

America is concerned (obsessed?) with weight loss. Even our government is aware of the problem and, they're taking action.

Recent reports show that food prices (closely tied to energy prices) are rising at an alarming rate. One report (obvious propaganda) suggests that the "real cost" of groceries has risen, as much as, 30% in two years. Is this by accident? I say no!

Our government, taking a cue from "slim" countries like Ethiopia, is trying to "slim down" America by destroying our economy. Brilliant!

Once "luxury foods" like: sweets, high-carb snacks, meat, dairy products, and such, are priced out of reach of the average American; the pounds will melt away. Even"Fast food", (a major cause of obesity), will become a distant memory once NO ONE can afford to drive.

It brings a tear to my eye when I consider the sacrifices our leaders are willing to make for us. Why, it seems the entire Republican Party (Pah!) is willing to sacrifice their political careers for the sake of our waistlines. Heck, they even started two, hideously expensive, wars so that aging débutantes can slip into their prom dresses for their 10 year reunions! That's what I call "Commitment to a bit".

While I have no, remaining, love for the Republican Party (Pah!) I have to applaud them on this one. Soon, our sensitivities will cease being insulted by the combination of bare mid-drifts and swelling guts.

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